The first 'proper' day's riding,
ie 100+ miles. With this in mind we agree to head down the A 361 trunk road rather than taking quieter lanes. Apart from the Fast Boys, who take the scenic route and still arrive a long time before us.
Riding in the reservation at the side of the road has its downside, and there are several punctures. Then
Tach's pedal disintegrates and Alan is called into action again, whisking him and his bike to a cycle store in
We plough on in full sunshine past
Tiverton, across the M5 and pick up the A 38. It's hard work under the blazing sun, and I'm grateful when we happen across Morgan's transport cafe, south of Wellington. No Fancy Dan menu here, it's a reminder of a fast disappearing part of the travelling experience.
Taunton we leave the A 38 and head east across the Somerset Levels, willow tr
ees and wicker much in evidence. Over the
Polden Hills, now heading north towards Cheddar. Again. 'gorge' doesn't promise flat riding, and I suggest a diversion, but am overruled, so its another push for me. We then get confused by the road system, and lose Rod for half an hour. Getting tired now we agree to head into Bristol on the A38, past the airport. I'm struggling now, as it's very hilly and I'm running on empty.
Rod appears to be waiting for me at the top of a climb, but as a
lycra-clad female cyclist comes past he's off like a greyhound out of the trap.
Under the Cl
ifton suspension Bridge we have to push our bikes up into Clifton, and to James' flat, where one of the residents kindly lets us in and stores our bikes. For the only time in the ride we have the luxury of a room apiece, and celebrate our first 'ton' with a beer with pie & chips overlooking Clifton Downs.
105 miles in 8.25 hours.
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